Teaching Videos
Parenting from your wise mind
Raising a happy child is a challenge for any parent, even the most patient and wisest among us. From new baby mysteries to toddler tantrums to the challenging tween and teen years, parenting requires all sorts of skills that most of us don’t naturally possess. Dr. Laura Kastner, author of Wise-Minded Parenting shares tips for tapping your “wise mind” to calmly navigate even the stormiest of parenting moments.
Questions addressed in the video include:
What is attachment parenting? What does secure attachment look like?
How can parents help accommodate a child who is shy or anxious?
What if your temperament and your child’s are misaligned?
What are some subtler techniques to connecting with kids in challenging moments?
How can parents foster emotional strengths in themselves and in their children?
And more…
View videos of Dr. Kastner describing wise-minded family enhancement exercises:
TEDx – “Why teens deserve more credit for their humanity”
“The Launching Years”
“Getting to Calm: Cool-headed strategies for parenting tweens and teens”